How To Boost Your Immunity during lockdown by Fitness Expert - Denzil Mathews!

Boost Your Immunity!

The only way out of a negative situation is with positive action. Use exercise as a way to relieve stress, feel good, and stave off boredom," Boredom often leads to poor food choices which often lead to low energy and more poor food choices, weight gain, and increased inflammation which can compromise the immune system.

As Per WHO (World Health Guidelines) during home lockdown one must start exercising regularly to remain immune to the ongoing pandemic coronavirus (COVID-19)  Adults must workout for a minimum of 30 Minutes & Children 1 hour Workout, Yoga & Play sessions.

5 Different Types Of Push-Ups That Will Help You Live A Healthy Life

The push-up is one of the simplest and most functional exercises around. While the traditional version of a push-up is really beneficial in itself, there are many different kinds of push-ups that you can do. These variations work out almost every muscle you’ve got. 

So give these other versions a try and see how they fit into your fitness routine:

1. Regular Push Up

Before trying out new variations, it is of utmost importance to do the basic excercise perfectly. You need to focus on quality rather than quantity. Your posture and form need to be accurate to do push-ups perfectly. So first, learn how to do regular push-ups accurately and then try other variations.

2. Incline Push Up

Incline push-ups are a great way to start a push-up routine if you have trouble doing basic push-ups. It's an elevated form of a traditional push-up. All you need is a stable surface such as a table, desk, or wall. 
This is perfect for beginners as it puts less stress on your elbows and significantly reduces the amount of bodyweight you are lifting.

3. Decline Push Up

Decline push-up is an advanced variation of the basic push-up in which your feet are elevated so that your body is aligned at an angle to the floor rather than parallel. 
For this, you need a bench, step, or some other solid object to rest your feet on. Adjusting the bench height allows you to customize the intensity of your workout using just your body weight.

4. Wide Push Up

The wide push-up is a variation with the hands positioned wider than shoulder-width. By positioning your hands further apart, wide push-ups target your chest and shoulder muscles more than standard push-ups. If wide push-ups lead to pain in the front of your shoulder, opt for a narrower version.

5. Diamond Push Up

A diamond push-up is an advanced form of the classic push-up. It is performed by placing your feet and hands on the floor (hands touching) with your back straight and using your chest and arm muscles to descend and ascend the weight of your body off the floor. It's commonly used as a warm-up in the army. This exercise is also known as the 'Triangle Push-Up'
